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Web      Graphic      Design 


Hi, I'm Justin Shippee

With years of experience in the ever-evolving world of web and graphic design, I have the skills, knowledge, and creativity needed to create designs that are visually stunning, yet functional. I strive to create designs that not only look great but also have an effective user experience. Whether you’re looking to create a new website, redesign your existing one, or create visual content that will help you stand out on social media, I am here to help.

My Work


Planet Fitness - MarcomCentral
- Website Design - HTML/CSS

Redesigned/Improved an existing template provided by MarcomCentral for Planet Fitness to maintain company products and users. Allowing clients to access and purchase products. Along with having templates build out for previewing.

Some Websites I Have Worked On


Boy-Scouts-Marketing-Solutions-Scouting-Direct-Mail-Print (1).png

I worked to redesign this site. I had to switch everything over from the WPBakery Page Builder to the newer version of Elementor.

This require transitioning all of the pages and recreating the overall design while improving upon certain aspects that were outdated. WordPress & Elementor were used to redesign the entire website.

You can view the site HERE


Advanced-Direct-Marketing-Solutions-Spectrum-Marketing-Co- (1).png

I was tasked with updating certain aspects of this site. This ranged from fully redesigning webpages, adding new ones, or just updating existing information so that it was up to date.

Through this process, WordPress & Elementor were the main options used to create the adjustments.

HERE is an example of a page on the site.


Your-Oil-Tools-Aromatherapy-Supplies-Accessories (1).png

I worked to improve upon the existing website as well as creating new pages. Along with the creation of new pages, I was tasked with also creating the graphics for the site.


I was also in charge of editing a variety of product images. The platform for this site is Shopify.

You can view the site HERE

Fresh Harvest - Brand Design

I created a brand for a healthy alternative to the fast food industry that is called Fresh Harvest. I went through a multitude of design options to come up with something that looks and feels healthy to the eyes.

Below is the logo designs, store mockup, and a direct mailer mockup. I think these represent the feel of what I wanted to accomplish when it came to the overall design.

Country Willow
- Ad Design - Social Media - Photoshop

One of the many designs I have done when it comes to ad design.

The ads below consist of the following:

  • A Wide Skyscraper Side Ad

  • A Facebook Image Ad (Top)

  • A Medium Rectangle Ad (Bottom)

  • And a Ride Along Image for Direct Mail (Top)

  • And Leaderboard Ad (Bottom)

Vehicle Wrap Special
- Social Media - Photoshop - Illustrator

Here is one of my pride and joys when it comes to a design that I have done.

This was a social media campaign to promote a special offer for Vehicle Wraps. There is different formatting for each social media platform as well as a design for Instagram/Facebook stories.

Latitude Painting & Restoration
- Design - Google Ads - Social Media - Photoshop

One of the many designs I have done when it comes to ad design.

The ads below consist of the following:

  • A Wide Skyscraper Side Ad

  • A Facebook Image Ad (Top)

  • A Medium Rectangle Ad (Bottom)

  • And a Ride Along Image for Direct Mail (Top)

  • And Leaderboard Ad (Bottom Right)

AetherMed Tech - Website Design
- Wordpress - HTML/CSS

Working at Ceromaze  I was in charge of editing a multitude of websites for separate companies. One of which, was AetherMed Tech.


Along with editing the site, I was also responsible for editing the assets that the media on the website. Working on the site was a worthwhile experience. Being able to build upon skills I already had and learning ways to improve. One thing that I will take away from it is completely rebuilding the site from a previous web-hosting service.

Saner Society - Website Design
- Wordpress - HTML/CSS

Continuing with working at Ceromaze, I was responsible for creating and adding onto a website that was in the development stage for a non-profit.


The experience with building this site was more complicated than what I had previously worked on, due to the site being for a non-profit. The experience made me realize how important the littler details can be when creating and establishing a new website.

© 2024 by NotablySimpleDesign

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